Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sheepish Knits group

I have a knitting group that meets every Thursday night at a local Panera Bread from 7 - 9. Our group is called Sheepish Knits. These girls are some of my best friends. They don't think I am weird for knitting, spinning, dyeing, or yarn bombing my car. They get it.

Most of the time, I do not fit in. I stick out like a sore thumb. I have two things I am good talking about: kids and fiber related items. Other normal people talk about TV, sports, books, the weather...I don't really know cause these are not things I really pay attention to very much. I watch very little TV, don't watch any sports, read popular books only after the are done being popular, etc.

With my knitting friends it is totally different. Even when they talk about TV, movies, or books (which is how I find out about this stuff), they don't get frustrated explaining these to me cause they know where my main interests lie: knitting. Then when I watch a movie or read a book they told me about they know they helped expand my horizons.

Sheepish Knits mean the world to me. You make me feel like an insider in an outsider world. You girls ROCK!!

Can you guess what the picture is of? I bet you can...

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