Monday, April 9, 2012

Spinning fun and a FO

Oh, the weekend I had! You couldn’t ask for a better one. The spin in at WC Mercantile was wonderful. A bunch of sweet people, everyone was so nice. My husband told me I could buy a Schacht Ladybug spinning wheel. This is the wheel I have wanted since I first learned about spinning. I am so excited. I have been working with a Babe’s Fibergarden Production double treadle wheel for the past two years. It works well, but the Ladybug is so much smoother. WC Mercantile is waiting for their shipment of Ladybug’s to come in and they said it would be a week or two. These next few weeks are going to go so slowly.

At the spin in they had so much fiber! I had been trying to spin some fiber I had gotten at the Kid N Ewe show in Bourne, TX. It was a wool tinsel mix and I just couldn’t spin it without it breaking constantly. I asked what fiber they recommend for a beginner, and they recommended BFL. I have NEVER spun with BFL. It was so easy! And soft! I bought 8 oz of it and spun 4 of it at the show. On Saturday night I spun another 4 oz. Yesterday I plyed them together and I got 158 yards of a bulky weight yarn. I am going to dye it purple with kool aid and make a couch potato monster out of it.

I also bought 2 more bags of fiber. Another BFL of 8 oz of white, and 4 oz of a colored BFL. Then, I also won 3 oz of BFL. How cool is that. Just the icing on the cake!

I finished the desk monster I was working on. She is so cute. I have her on my desk at work. I call her Putunia.

I am now working on another monster, Lurlen the Laundry Monster, but I think she is going to be for in my car. I am knitting her out of Cascade 220 paints.

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