Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kid N Ewe is coming

This weekend is Kid N Ewe. There are 8 of us going together. We are leaving Saturday morning and will be coming back Sunday afternoon. Hopefully next week I'll have some pictures and news of our weekend.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Momma Bear

It has taken me quite awhile to complete this cute little bear. I still have her sweater to knit. This is momma bear. She will soon have a little girl bear by her side. They will each have a sweater too.

Not much knitting has been getting done at my house. I have been too busy trying to figure out exactly what it is that Junior wants me to eat, how to sleep, etc. Sounds simple, but.... Not really.

Tuesday is my doctor appt. I will be taking Bella with me. She is excited about seeing Junior's heartbeat on the ultrasound.

I will try to write more soon but please hang in there with me. I will (hopefully) be back in full swing soon.

P.S. - I sold my first Etsy Order over the weekend. I am very excited.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I need to make two bears by Christmas. This is as far as I have gotten so far. Here is the head of the momma bear.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Not much

Sorry, but for the next few weeks the blog posts are probably going to be slow in coming.

Between nausea, mood swings, crying jags, and being tired, there just doesnt seem to be time or energy for anything else.

I am still working on the blanket and the cape (which I just LOVE). I also told a co worker that I would knit two bears for her to give away as Christmas presents (can you say biting off more than I can chew).

There might be another post this week and there might not be. I am not sure. It will depend on how the week goes. I am still hanging in and if you dont here from me again this week, don't worry, I write another post next week. But heck, you might see some photos or a post this week too. I am just not promising anything.

If you get a chance, check out the Etsy store. It needs some love too.


Sunday, October 14, 2012

A blanket Continues

I am still working on my simple sideways blue blanket. This is the project I have been carrying around with me.

This is such a nice, simple, patternless project. Great for not having to think. What a great contrast to the project I shared with you yesterday.

My girls have been going around and sharing our wonderful news with everyone we know. They are so excited about the new baby. We all are. I have not started with any morning sickness yet but I HAVE started being tired (which is only JUST) beginning).

Meet Me For Coffee Progress

I have been knitting on my Meet Me For Coffee Cape in the evening after I put Elle to bed. Some night I only knit two rows before going to bed, others I knit 12 rows.

The pattern is a 16 row repeat and has decreases that you do while still staying in pattern. It is a challenge to get right.

On Saturday I finished the back of the cape. Now I am working on one of the two sides.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I made a few sets of earrings on Friday so I would have a pair to wear for the party. I made them out of knitting needles. I really like them.

There are also a few sets posted on my Etsy shop. Go check them out.

Etsy and some extras

I opened an Etsy store yesterday. This is the link to ColorfulknittingToo.

Saturday a bunch of things happened...I found out that we are going to have another baby. This will make number 5.

We also had a knitting party at my house. It was a lot of fun. I think everyone had a great time. We will have to gave another one sometime. Here are a few pictures from the evening.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dr. Who and his Tardis

Mike and I found a little red telephone booth on sale at Hobby Lobby this weekend. Mike had an excellent idea....

We bought it along with some blue spray paint. He took off the sticker and put three coats of blue paint on it. At work on Tuesday he printed off some new stickers that said "Police Public Call Box". My new Tardis is my pencil holder at work.

I also started making some knitting needle pen sets. They are available on my Etsy store now and in a few different colors.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Actual knitting

I have been working on my blanket here and there to relax. I have started another color on it. I have a light blue, then a terra cotta, then a turquoise blue. Stay tuned for the next color.

My bike

Last Sunday, I bought a used bike off Craigslist. That same day it broke. Mike was going out of town Monday so I had to wait to get it fixed.

Friday night we found the parts we needed and on Saturday Mike fixed my bike. Now the only thing it needs are pink hand grips and pink straws on the spokes.

Bangles and a party

Check it out. Mike and I made these knitting needle bracelets out of some old needles I had. If anyone has old straight knitting needles I would live to make use of them. What do you think? Would you wear these?

I have been busy getting ready for a knitting party I am having at my house on Saturday. I have not knit much and I want the party stuff to be a surprise (to most of you). So this weeks blogs are probably going to be a little different.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Talking to strangers

I was at Hobby Lobby at lunch the other day buying a skein of wool yarn. As I was waiting in line to check out I noticed that the woman in front of me was buying two skeins of red heart in white.

I thought about talking to her and then not talking to her and finally I asked her if she knit or crochet. We talked a few minutes and I told her about our knitting group and she told me about the blanket she is crocheting. I handed her one of my cards and invited her to knit night on Thursday.

We call it knit night but it doesn't really mean anything. We come with our knitting, crochet, spinning, etc. it is a wonderful community of women who enjoy similar things, support each other and have become good friends.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Works in progress

I am working on a couple of projects still. One is "Meet me for coffee" wrap. The patter is a 16 row repeat that I really have to think about. Then you start adding in decreases and (WOW!) I really have to pay attention to where I am in the pattern.

I am also working in a very simple light blanket that has blues and terra cotta colors in it. I have one ball of yarn that will be in the very center that will bring it all together.

Some finished objects

I have knit two ruffle scarfs for myself this past week. One in the color of fall leaves (oranges and reds) and a silver one.

I also finished a blankie for Elle. It is a small one that used one ball of yarn. She still likes my shawls better than the blankie that I made for her (of course).

More project bags

This weekend we went to Hobby Lobby and I let Bella pick out a fabric to use as her project bag. She picked an ice cream cone flannel fabric. I picked a cotton owl fabric. I made 6 project bags on Sunday while Elle took her nap.

On Friday Bella learned how to ride a two wheel bike. So we have been on the lookout for a bike for mommy too. We found one on Craigslist and picked it up on Sunday. Mike installed Elle's seat and off we went around the block. We were almost home when the piece holding the pedals to the bike broke. No one was hurt but man, we were so disappointed. Mine is going to have to look how to fix it.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ribbon yarn

At Michael's craft store they had ribbon yarn on sale. Bella got some hot pink with silver sparkle. I bought an orange, a green, and a gray one.

Since I will soon have ruffle scarves, I better start preparing myself to wear them. Normally I am not much of a scarf person.

Project bags

On Monday I was home with Elle. April the babysitter had to help with her mom who was in the hospital.

I sewed up a couple of project bags using some sheep fabric I had bought off eBay.

They turned out so great!!! I am loving them.

Pink wheels

A few days ago I took a curb too close and my hubcap came off. I picked it up so Mike could put it back on. But when he looked at it he told me it was broken.

So on Saturday night we went to Pepboys and bought another box of hubcaps (a different kind). We then went to Walmart and got pink spray paint. That night, against his better judgement, mike painted my new hubcaps pink.

If you can't have pink hubcaps on a green VW Bug, then you can't have them on anything.

I also sewed on another knitted piece for knit bombing my car. The piece I added was a hand spun, hand painted panel of chunky weight yarn. I put it on the sunshade on passenger side. Then I added knitting buttons too.

My car is coming along nicely.